Sample Resignation Letter: Promotion Job Opportunity

Use This Resignation Letter as a Sample When You Resign from Your Job

Female employee is resigning from her job positively to pursue a promotion with another employer.
JohnnyGreig / Getty Images

If you need to resign from your job, you will want to tell your boss verbally in a face-to-face meeting as a courtesy. But, your boss will also request that you write an official letter to the company for your employee file.

This resignation letter gives your company the evidence it needs should you later file for unemployment compensation or claim that you were fired. It also provides a historical document for the future should you decide to reapply for employment, ask for an employment reference, or need employment verification for a new employer.

Your HR office recognizes the fact that if you apply again for employment with your organization in the future, the people who knew you might be long gone. So, the documentation leaves a permanent record that will assist new employees in their decision making about your potential rehire.

You Want to Leave on Positive Terms Leaving a Good Impression

Additionally, the resignation letter is your last, best chance to leave a good impression. You never know when that will serve you well in the future because you never know how your paths will cross with coworkers again.

Your current colleagues can follow you throughout your career, especially if you continue to work in the same field or industry in the same area.

So, it's best not to burn any bridges as you resign—not in your resignation letter or in your exit interview. Keep a professional approach to all of your leave-takings. Treat coworkers with grace and dignity and you will reside in the positive memories of all. This may help you fulfill career goals in the future.

If you are angry or unhappy with your current employer, the resignation letter is not the time to tell him. Let your letter demonstrate your professionalism. You can’t predict the future and you never know who will view your resignation as Human Resources personnel change over time as does who will read your personnel file. 

Use this sample resignation letter when you are leaving your current employer for a promotion at another employer.

Sample Resignation Letter to Accept a Promotion (Text Version)


Your Name


City, State, Zip Code

Name of Boss and Title

Company Name

Company Address

City, State, Zip Code

Dear Ted,

With some regret, this letter is my resignation from Wallace Development. I have accepted a position as a manager at a firm that is not a competitor with Wallace Development. This was a timely offer since I am ready for the next step forward in my career.

I had determined, after talking with you about the possibility, that such a promotion would be unavailable here for several years. I really wanted to take all of my team leader experience to the next level and have reporting staff members.

I’m sure you know that this decision was difficult for me because I have truly enjoyed and learned from my colleagues here. I’m not sure I will ever have the privilege of working with so many engaged, excited, friendly people again.

I will happily participate in an exit interview as I know they are standard here. I don’t really have any complaints because this is not a resignation where I see myself leaving something I didn’t like. Rather, I am pursuing my next opportunity.

My final day is November 28, so you have the full two weeks’ notice. I’ll be happy to help train my replacement if you can fill the position quickly. I am also leaving my replacement a fully developed job description, so nothing slips through the cracks. I can be available by phone on a limited basis if needed after my last day. This offer is known about and supported by my new employer.

Again, my job and the people here will be positive memories. Feel free to pass on my contact information to any coworker who asks. [email protected]


Jennifer Dorn

What Is Positive About This Resignation Letter?

Everything about this resignation letter marks you as a positive, professional member of the team who is leaving for a good reason. Even people who are unfamiliar with you years down the road will view your leave-taking in a positive light.

This type of professional communication is why many HR managers recommend telling an employer why you are leaving whenever your reason has to do with professional career growth. No one will deny you the opportunity even if your new employer's gain is their loss.