Electronic Maintenance - Field 59

Marine Job Description

Flight crew technician working on the electronics of an F-14 fighter jet aboard the carrier USS Enterprise somewhere in the Arabian Sea prior to a strike mission in Afghanistan.

Barry Iverson / Getty Images

Marine occupational field code 5900 is the classification for electronic maintenance. Marine Corps jobs within this field code can involve maintenance, repair, and operation of a variety of different types of electronic equipment, mainly within the Marine Air Command and Control Systems (MACCS) network. Electronic equipment supporting MACCS serves the areas of air defense, air defense weaponry, surveillance radar, radio communications, air traffic control, and data monitoring.

Skills and Training

Personnel working in occupational field codes beginning with 59 will need to have skills and competency to perform the necessary maintenance, repair, and operational tasks pertaining to MACCS equipment. They may also work with other sophisticated electronics, which may include computer hardware, communication systems, data signals, data monitoring, and radar.

Marines entering the electronic maintenance occupational field will receive formal courses of instruction in basic electronics followed by detailed instruction involving specific electronic, data, communication, and radar systems. After completion of formal training, a military occupational specialty (MOS) will be assigned which designates a specific job in the electronic maintenance field, usually working within the Marine Air Command and Control Systems network.

Military service, in general, offers a multitude of apprenticeship opportunities. The United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP) works in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) to offer apprenticeships for Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Navy service members. Department of Labor Certificates of Apprenticeship Completion are awarded through the collaboration of the USMAP and DOL. There is a multitude of apprenticeship offerings in the electronic maintenance field specifically for MOSs within marine occupational field code 5900.

Skills and certifications obtained through military and marine apprenticeships can be highly beneficial for rising within the Marine electronic maintenance ranks. Apprenticeship certificates are also applicable for utilization in civilian occupations upon leaving military service.

Examples of Field 5900 Jobs and Functions

MOS 5939 Aviation Communication Systems Technician

These employees are in charge of the performance and supervision maintenance of radios and communication systems found within selected units of the Marine Air Control Group.

MOS 5948 Aviation Radar Repairer

These employees are in charge of cite work, installation, operation, testing, adjustment, alignment, and repair of the Marine Air Command Control Systems’ air defense radar systems and associated equipment.

MOS 5951 Aviation Meteorological Equipment Technician

These employees are in charge of installing, testing, maintaining, and repairing all electronics, information technology, and other associated equipment employed by the Meteorology and Oceanography (METOC) occupational field in support of Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) operations.

MOS 5953 Air Traffic Control Radar Technician

These employees are in charge of surveying and installing air traffic control precision approaches and surveillance radar systems.

MOS 5954 Air Traffic Control Communications Technician

These employees are in charge of surveying and installing air traffic control communications systems. They inspect and perform preventive maintenance for proper operations. They also diagnose and repair operational faults.

MOS 5959 Air Traffic Control Systems Maintenance Chief

These employees are in charge of supervising, coordinating, and instructing enlisted personnel in the performance of air traffic control maintenance functions. They provide information concerning the capabilities, limitations, and reliability of air traffic control systems and equipment. They provide instruction on the operation and maintenance of air traffic control systems.

MOS 5974 Tactical Data Systems Technician

These employees are in charge of planning and performing operational management and maintenance of tactical data systems and common hardware/software suites within the Marine Air Command and Control Systems network. Responsibilities can include installation, configuration, management, system administration, and maintenance of all MACCS’ tactical data systems, hardware, and software. 

Other Marine Corps Jobs Under This Occupational Field

These jobs include the following:

  • 5912 Avenger System Maintainer
  • 5942 Aviation Radar Repairer
  • 5952 Air Traffic Control Navigational Aids Technician
  • 5979 Tactical Air Operations Module/Air Defense Technician
  • 5993 Electronics Maintenance Chief