Becoming a CID Agent

CID agent receives exposure to fire investigations
302nd MPAD/Flickr

Criminal Investigations within the military is an actual job / MOS for military members who are part of the military police community. As you advance within your military law enforcement rank and experience, you may have an opportunity for advanced training that allows for specialization in criminal investigations and become a CID agent. During peacetime and war, Criminal Investigations Officer, or CID agents investigate all felony crimes in which the Army has an interest, provide protective services for key Department of Defense and Army leadership, and work closely with other Federal, state and local law enforcement and intelligence agencies to solve crime and combat terrorism.​

Agents receive training at the U.S. Army Military Police School at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., and advanced training in a wide range of specialized investigative disciplines.


Some specialties include polygraphs, counter-narcotics, economic-crime investigations, computer crime and many other specialties in the criminal investigation field. With more than 200 offices worldwide, CID even has an airborne CID detachment at Fort Bragg, N.C.

Some investigators also have the opportunity to receive advance law enforcement training at the FBI National Academy, the Canadian Police College, and George Washington University where they can earn a master's degree in Forensic Science.

"We continue to look for qualified prospects to join the ranks of CID and receive the necessary training to become one of the DoD's premier law enforcement special agents," said Command Sgt. Maj. Michael Misianowycz, command sergeant major for Headquarters, CIDC. "It's an outstanding opportunity for Soldiers looking for a career in law enforcement."

The Role of CID Agents

CID agents are trained not to form conclusions in advance. They investigate the circumstances and facts surrounding each case to determine what findings the evidence supports in a thorough and professional manner with sensitivity toward the needs of victims and witnesses.

"Investigative procedures, resources, and training constantly undergo an evaluation to ensure high quality and professional casework from CID special agents," said Master Sgt. Cynthia Fischer, deputy chief of staff for support, SGM. "Although many CID agents already have some type of military or civilian police background, it is not a requirement to qualify and be accepted into the special agent training program."

CID offers a local six-month internship program for Soldiers who lack the law-enforcement experience, said Marianne Godin, chief of CID's Accreditation Division. Major installations such as Forts Bragg, Benning, Hood, and Lewis each offer rewarding CID intern opportunities for dynamic Soldiers.

"Enrollment in the initial internship programs will help develop the recruit's potential to complete the rigorous 15-week Apprentice Special Agent Course at the U.S. Army Military Police School," Godin said. "After these classroom studies, Soldiers spend the first year as probationary agents before becoming fully accredited."

Godin said civilian special agents are classified as criminal investigators under the Office of Personnel Management guidelines and applicants must meet specific criteria as established by the Office of Personnel Management in the Handbook for General Schedule Positions.

"The CID Special Agent profession is also an excellent opportunity for enlisted Soldiers who aspire to become warrant officers," Godin said. "Currently, the 311A career field provides among the Army's best opportunities for diverse assignments and rapid advancement."


CID is currently accepting applications for Soldiers at the E-6 level who are fully qualified and serving in the Military Occupational Skill 31B (Military Police) or 31E (Internment/Resettlement Specialist). Qualifications are the following:

  • Must be a U.S. citizen
  • Minimum age of 21
  • Completed Basic Leader Course (formerly known as the Warrior Leader Course)
  • Maximum grade of SGT (E-5)
  • Minimum of two, maximum of 10 years of military service
  • Minimum of 60 college semester hours from an accredited institution
  • Minimum Skilled Technical (ST) score of 107 and minimum General Technical (GT) score of 110
  • Consistently meet the height and weight standards prescribed in AR 600-9 and consistently pass the Army Physical Fitness Test
  • Ability to deploy worldwide, have no physical limitations and normal color vision
  • Must possess a valid driver’s license and favorable driving record
  • Ability to speak and write clearly
  • Minimum of one year of military police experience or two years civilian police experience (May be waived for Active duty only)
  • No court-martial convictions,
  • A physical profile of 111221 or higher with normal color vision,
  • 36 months obligated service upon completion of the Apprentice Special Agent Course,
  • And be able to obtain and maintain a Top Secret clearance.

Soldiers interested in becoming CID Special Agents are encouraged to contact their closest CID office or visit CID's Web site for more information at