A Look at What One Can, and Cannot, Do in Air Force Tech School

Recruits Progress With Liberties Throughout Tech School Training

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Throughout the Airman journey, one will start in a very regimented system where all of the time of the day is controlled by the Air Force and visitation outside the military base or with friends and family is regulated until graduation week. There are obvious restrictions / rules on what you can or cannot do as a newly created Airman and these continue after Air Force Basic Military Training (AFBMT) as well. When an Airman arrives at his/her Technical School for job training, each week gets you closer to regaining all of your off-duty time liberties prior to joining the Air Force. Like the other services, the Air Force uses a phase system. 

Air Force Technical School

As airmen advance every few weeks of Tech School and they receive more privileges. Even the first few weeks of Tech School, Airmen cannot leave the base nor receive visitors. But once, Tech School begins, the Airman starts a path to more and more freedoms. After two weeks, the new Airmen in Tech School are allowed to have limited visitation during Technical Training School. This means Airmen must stay on base without visitors for the first two weeks.

Off Base Privileges occur during weeks three and four. Finally, some freedom! Now, Airmen can go off base with visitors, but they must remain in uniform. However, after week four, Airmen can visit during any off-duty period, and are no longer required to wear uniforms while off duty.

General Air Force Technical School Restrictions

Some of the restrictions are obvious: no tobacco use on base while in uniform, for instance. 

If you relocate because of academic reclassification or to attend follow-on training courses, you continue in phase progression from the day you left the last training locations. You'll receive an initial orientation briefing.

You are not allowed in dormitory rooms of the opposite sex until after Phase III when it may be authorized so long as the doors stay open.

If you are single or unaccompanied, you are not allowed to rent or visit lodgings either on or off base in the local area. You may be able to get written permission to visit, eat with or stay overnight with your immediate family or spouse.

You cannot attend off-duty educational programs or off-duty employment while assigned to a technical training squadron, except for programs approved by the Air Force.

You must carry your military ID at all times. And leave is not generally granted during technical school, except over the period between Christmas and New Year's Day, when much of the technical school will be shut down. 

Dormitory Standards

The following general dormitory standards apply to all phases of training. Additional restrictions are imposed, based on the specific phase of training.

All personnel entering or leaving a bay or floor of the opposite gender must announce themselves by stating “Male (or female) entering (or leaving) the bay (or floor).” In dormitories with central latrines, an escort must be sent to ensure the latrine is clear before entering.

Before entering the room of an Airman, personnel must knock once and make their presence known. The door will remain open when two people (or more) are in the room.

Except in an emergency, any person entering the dormitory who is not assigned to the MTF or identified on a locally developed access list must have an escort.

NPS Airmen must lock the doors to their rooms and adjoining latrines while they are sleeping or when their rooms are unoccupied. No drug or alcohol use is allowed, and no pornographic images are permitted in the dormitories. 

Fireworks and firearms are forbidden, and pets are not allowed. 

Specific Restrictions

For roughly the first month of Tech School, the restrictions are there to ease Airmen from the strict environment of basic military training to the disciplined environment of academic, technical training. It is essential to instill into the new Airmen that discipline and rules are to be followed as new freedoms are earned each week.

Alcohol is prohibited.

You must wear your military uniform both on and off duty but may wear civilian attire inside your dormitory room, and obey curfew rules, which vary by base. 

You must eat three meals per day on weekdays at the base dining facility.

You can't drive a private motor vehicle, but you can ride in one so long as it is not to or from school. Your room will be inspected a minimum of once per week, and inspections won't be on the same day.

Airmen may use a personal electronic device (cell phone, MP3 player, etc.) inside the dormitory during nonduty hours only.