Air Force Job: AFSC 3S2X1 Education and Training Specialist

Students Attend Career Day At Newark Airport
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These airmen oversee all the education and training programs for maintenance, operations, and support personnel across the Air Force. They prepare education services and develop curriculum and instructor activities, and in many cases administer the training courses themselves.

The Air Force categorizes this job as Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) 3S2X1.

Duties of Air Force Education and Training Specialists

These airmen develop and evaluate education and training programs in departments across the Air Force. They develop and validate the standards by which airmen in many facets of the service are trained, and they determine whether existing courses and programs are adequate.

They also collect and analyze job performance data, conduct occupational analysis surveys and compare individual knowledge and skills with job standards. It's up to them to determine the most cost-effective method to deliver Air Force training and education programs, and to choose instructional design, methods and media.

In addition, these airmen recommend actions to correct any deficiencies in education and training programs, and they oversee evaluations and surveys. They're constantly revising programs and instruction, coordinating user feedback with career field managers and education and training providers. And ultimately, they administer education and training programs, serving as program managers for offsite and onsite training.

Qualifying for AFSC 3S2X1 Education Specialist

To be eligible for this job, you’ll need a high school diploma or its equivalent. You have to have normal color vision and depth perception and need to have a state driver’s license in case you need to drive government vehicles.

Like all recruits to the Air Force and other branches of the U.S. military, you’ll take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests. Education and training specialists need a score of 59 in the general (G) qualification area of the ASVAB, which is a composite score based on the Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension and Arithmetic Reasoning sub-tests of the ASVAB.

There is no Department of Defense security clearance required for this job, and U.S. citizenship is not a prerequisite.

Training as an Air Force Education and Training Specialist

Following basic training and Airman's Week, airmen in this job spend 38 days in technical training at Sheppard Air Force Base in Texas. You'll learn the basics of developing curricula in line with Air Force and Department of Defense protocols, and how to be an instructor for airmen.

Civilian Equivalents to Air Force Education and Training Specialists

You'll need additional training and certification to become a teacher, but this job will prepare you for some of what you'll need to know. The skills you learn will help you qualify for project manager, curriculum development and training proctor jobs in the private sector. You'll also be well prepared if you're interested in tutoring or offering informal instruction.