Air Force Radio and Television Broadcasting Job Description

Air Force Radio / Television.

The Department of Defense has a radio and television channel. It is called AFRTS - American Forces Radio and Television Service. Headquartered at Fort George Meade, Maryland, this multi-media platform distributes news, entertainment, and policy updates for military personnel around the world. The Defense Media Activity is the unifying command of the television, radio, print, and multi-media mission. The AFRTS mission is to communicate Department of Defense policies, priorities, programs, goals and initiatives. By providing stateside radio and television programming to those who are part of the Department of Defense, AFRTS offers "a touch of home," to those outside continental United States. AFRTS includes the Radio and Television Production Office (RTPO), The Pentagon Channel and the AFN Broadcast Center. 

Specialty Summary:

The men and women of the Air Force Radio and Television Service organize and conduct broadcast operations, produce programs, and directs radio and television broadcasts. The journalists and video specialists, prepare informational materials in broadcast format for use on Armed Forces Radio and Television (AFRT) and commercial media; serves as talent and operates broadcast equipment. Sporting events that are happening in America are high lights of deployed airmen, sailors, marines, and soldiers every week. Being able to slip away even for a few hours while deployed is needed R & R that is provided by the AFRTS network.

Duties and Responsibilities:

The men and women of AFRTS also prepare informational materials for use on AFRT and commercial media by identifying and selecting newsworthy events. They are able to produce radio and television scripts, narrations, spot announcements, and news and sports broadcasts. They also select associated visual material as necessary and available and coordinates the use of graphics, sets special effects, and audio and video material to support programming requirements. This job requires both creative skills as well as organizational skills. In order to prepare and maintain schedules, daily operation logs, and continuity book, they must assist public affairs officer in working with electronic media as well.
They are responsible for programming and directing radio and television broadcasts by selecting and scheduling programs for broadcast on AFRT stations. They review all copy and program materials for host country sensitivities before airing and coordinate receipt and disposition of AFRT program materials. Maintaining station library or recorded programming is also another responsibility as well as evaluating audience feedback. The men and women of AFTRS monitor station programs for effectiveness, professional quality, and support of mission objectives. They also manage resources to support the United States Air Force Internal Information Program. They also learn to operate radio and television broadcast equipment and arrange remote broadcast coverage of special events.

Additional Responsibilities:

  • Supervises radio and television broadcast operations.
  • Coordinates maintenance of radio and television equipment.
  • Directs positioning of lights, cameras, microphones, properties, and personnel.
  • Conducts broadcast rehearsals as necessary.
  • Coordinates maintenance and acquisition of broadcast equipment.
  • Performs as talent in programs produced for AFRT.
  • Conducts radio and television interviews.
  • Performs as disc jockey, newscaster, sports announcer and producer.

Specialty Qualifications:

Being creative and organized isn't the only skills one should have when considering a specialty code within the Defense Media Activity. One must be a good writer, speaker, and reader in order to perform at this very public job within the military television and radio, internet, and print media world. Here are more details of the types of qualifications one must have:

Knowledge. Knowledge is mandatory of: radio and television writing and broadcasting; regulations and policies governing AFRT and other public affairs activities; broadcast equipment capabilities; and methods of researching public attitudes.

Education. For entry into this specialty, completion of high school or general educational development equivalency is mandatory.
Training. For award of AFSC 3N032, completion of the basic broadcasting course is mandatory.
Experience. The following experience is mandatory for award of the AFSC indicated: (Note: See Explanation of Air Force Specialty Codes).
3N052. Qualification in and possession of AFSC 3N032. Also, experience in broadcasting and directing television or radio programs.
3N072. Qualification in and possession of AFSC 3N052. Also, experience in performing or supervising broadcast activities.
Other. The following are mandatory as indicated:
For entry into this specialty:
1. A favorable evaluation of a voice audition.
2. Ability to type 20 words per minute.
For entry, award, and retention of these AFSCs, absence of any speech impediment, and ability to read aloud and speak distinctly.

Strength Req:H

Physical Profile: 333333

Citizenship: No

Required Appitude Score : G-69 (Changed to G-72, effective 1 Jul 04).

Technical Training:

Course #: E5ABD3N032 000

Length (Days): 60

Location: FGM

Possible Assignment Information